~Lunette Decor Set
Here's a lovely set up including Hexumbra's Trick or Treat Lane release, the Lunette Décor collection, including one witchy sideboard console, one lovely Coffee inspired witchy art, a lovely little coffee kettle, and a coffee cup with some stacked books. You can purchase these in three individual sets: The console, The art piece, and the kettle and cup with the book stack. Or you can purchase all of the above in a fat pack :) The collection showcased above is officially up in the mainstore ! So if you had missed out, you can come grab it now!♥ Showcased (Sponsored): [HEXUMBRA] Lunette Sideboard (silver) [HEXUMBRA] Lunette Books [HEXUMBRA] Lunette Coffee Pot [HEXUMBRA] Lunette Mug [HEXUMBRA] Lunette - Caffeine & Conjuring Wall Art Showcased (Unsponsored): dust bunny . lunar craft . crystal display dust bunny . lunar craft . aromatherapy .spruce. spirit box {cards} Fancy Decor: Marble Side Table (black) ionic : Pendule - Dark BackBone Dream Decor Drapes - Solid [ zerkalo