~Strike a Pose


Era uma vez o sol e a lua
Se refletindo no céu e no mar
A velha terra entrou numa fria
Falta a energia, desligaram o ar
Chegou a hora do carro zunir
Chegou a hora do jeep lunar
Agora eu quero me divertir
Agora eu quero me esbaldar
Da-da-da da minha energia, da-da minha energia
Da-da-da da minha energia, da-da minha energia
Da-da-da da minha energia, da-da minha energia
Da-da-da da minha energia, da-da minha energia

Once upon a time there was the sun and the moon
Reflecting in the sky and sea
The old earth went into a cold
The power went out, they turned off the air
It's time for the car to buzz
It's time for the lunar jeep
Now I want to have fun
Now I want to splurge myself
Da-da-da of my energy, da-da of my energy
Da-da-da of my energy, da-da of my energy
Da-da-da of my energy, da-da of my energy
Da-da-da of my energy, da-da of my energy

I got to do a fun photo with mah friend and cousin Kali♥ Her vibes were immaculate and inspired me to get this pretty photo done♥ I'm looking forward to getting to do more fun photos with her :D

Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Pastel Pool 2 (edited the planet and stars)

[GIFT] UZME_Couple#18


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