~Gothic Date Night (pt.2)


You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames
Hanging upside down
For granted, in vain, I took everything
I ever cared about

I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste

When the curtains call the time
Will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize
Love's the death of peace of mind

Continuation of the "Gothic Date Night" Series, here is part two! A lil spicy, just for you!~ lmao 
Thank you so much to Rhys and Mags for sitting through this series for me XD Sometimes, I get a lil bossy on the details for a picture but it's totally worth it in the end!
Part 3 coming soon!


Apple Fall New York Studio Apartment (Box) (Self decorated)


Animosity - C-191 Pose (Edited for av Size)


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