~Hate Love


You were damn good
At putting band aids over bullet holes
Mister sweet talk
Mister I'm not doing anything wrong

Don't matter if somebody got a diamond ring
And he's bending on a knee to say the perfect thing
I don't need another man to promise everything
I can't trust anyone

You made me hate love
You're the devil haunting my angel
Boy, you put the pain in painful
Never want to love again
You made me hate love
Now I know I'd rather be strangers
Boy, you put the ache in heartbreakŠµr
Never want to love again

Got this cute shirt and pants from [Fatal] Clothing just the other night and I love the slouchy fit and ability to two tone the pants! :D 
The shirt has three patterns, and the pants come in black, black white, black pink, and white pink.

You can get the ooWoo Shirt and Lucy Pants, newly released at the main store inworld here.

Happy Shopping!

Wearing (Sponsored):

Wearing (Unsponsored):

LeLUTKA Noel Head 3.1
TRUTH Collective (HUD.Unpack) Affair / - Blonde
Bipolar - Eyes Stickers (8 types 2 options)
Ladybird. // Boop Body Blush (BoM)
Sap ~ HD Eyeliner Gift 
KOONZ - Rising Star HD Eyeshadow
SSD. Vendetta Lipstick
Izzie's - Aged Scars (LeLutka Evo X) 
^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL for lel Evo X Ears (female)
. Nar Mattaru . Stiletto Nails Base Kit
Adora-tions - Cast A Spell On You Neck Tattoo
~LF~ Flora (noel)
~LF~ Mia GroupGift (noel)
~LF~ Laila Pack I (noel)
Collar Cae :: Kitten :: Collar
Cae :: Promise :: Rings
e.marie // Willow Earrings - Silvers
Vibing -- Lexi rings -- Silver
REIGN.- Katelynn Pumps - Patent Pack

Spirit Night Backdrop - The Bearded Guy

FOXCITY. Minis - Weekend-1m


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