~Power Up


Changing 'til all my words they heal like poetry
Until my mind transcends reality
Won't burn while up in flames
In the holy water I won't drown

It is the witching hour
It is the witching hour
It is the witching hour
I'm taking back my power

This vision has been in my brain for a while, and I'm so happy I was able to get it out here :)

I fell in love with the darker holo tone in the new Penny Makeup pack coming to Gothcore tomorrow from Hexumbra
It has 16 lovely tone swatches, and a black AND white tintable liner as well (White shown above)

Taxi down below, happy shopping friends!♥

Wearing (Sponsored):

Wearing (Unsponsored):

TRUTH Collective Wisteria / - Essential
LeLUTKA Noel Head 
Ladybird. // Boop Body Blush
Izzie's - Aged Scars (LeLutka Evo X)
Le Forme M05 Bento Nails Brillant
-ROUXS- bruises hearts- 
Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined)
Nuve. Dimples - Lelutka Evo X
{ MoonPhase } Arm Pit Cleavage Shadding V2
~LF~ Laila Pack I (noel)
~LF~ Mia GroupGift (noel)
~LF~ Flora (noel)
MIWAS / Rinda Daily rings set 
. Doe . Heart Power Up Gift . 
AsteroidBox. Eira Dress - Holo


SYNNERGY.TAVIS//Central Vortex [360] Backdrop


[piXit] Lilith - Pose pack - Lilith_F2R (with Moon)


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