

Did your boots stop workin?

Did your truck break down?

Did you burn through the money?

Did your ex find out?

Where there's a will then there's a way and I'm damn sure you lost it

Didn't even say goodbye

Just wish I knew what caused it

Was the whiskey flowing?

Were you in a fight?

Did the nerves come get ya?

What's your alibi?

I Made my way back to LA, and that's where you'll be forgotten

In 40 years you'll still be here, drunk, washed up in Austin


Mags has been working on a wonderful build, and I've been having fun getting little snapshots of the Moonreign Ranch♥ 

Looking forward to getting a lot of summer pictures here :)


Moonhaven Ranch (built by Mags)


Braham Design Pose Femal  Gift

FINCA - Leather Suitcase Back S&H 2023


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