~No Bad Vibes Here


The sun'll come out Nothing good ever comes easy I know times are rough But winners don't quit So don't you give up The sun'll come out But we've been struggling endless days Someday we'll find the love 'Cause after the storm's When the flowers bloom


This whole Flicker situation had me all over the place since the news came out last week... and then I decided, you know what? People don't ALL use Flickr, there's other ways... and here we are!

I've started this blog page to keep up my joy of Second Life photography, I've already made TWO new friends, and found myself actually excited for this change! The great exodus seems to actually be a blessing in disguise!♥

Credits: Backdrop was put together by: Mags Moonreign (magsmoonreign)

Thank you again for doing such amazing work!♥


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