~Happy Birthday 2023


Bam bam ba ra bam ba ram ba ra
바로 오늘이야
It’s your birthday birthday
Bam bam ba ra bam ba ram ba ra
온 세상이 Shine and so icy icy

Birthday birthday 딱 지금이야
Party pop pop the champagne
(Wow pop pop the champagne)
우리 맘대로 이뤄지지
더 꿈꾸고 바래 Bi-bi-bi-birthday

Look 어딜 봐도 그저 행복해져 난
With you 눈부시게 펼쳐지는
환상 같은 View
자꾸 입꼬리가 올라가
모든 게 완벽해 OK

눈뜨면 이 모든 게
사라져도 어때
두 눈을 맞춘다면
매일이 또 Birthday
Somethin Kinda Crazy
너도 느껴지지
내 말이 다 맞지
Believe me kiss me

(Bam-bam, ba-ra, bam-ba-ram, ba-ra
Today’s the day, it’s your birthday, birthday
Bam-bam, ba-ra, bam-ba-ram, ba-ra
Whole world will shine, and so icy, icy

Birthday, birthday, right now
Party pop, pop the champagne
Whatever we wish, the world creates
Dream bigger, bi-bi-bi-birthday

Wherever I look, only more happiness
With you, what a dazzling, fantasy view
Corner of my mouth keep curling up
Everything’s just perfect, okay

So what if it’s all gone when I wake?
We’ll just lock eyes and it’s a birthday
Somethin’ kinda crazy, you feel it too
I was so right, believe me, kiss me)

Damn, another year has passed already, and I'm just one year away from 30 now... can the time STOP please I'm not ready yet! Either way, Happy Birthday to me!♥

Backdrop: A quick lil snapshot of my home

Pose: PosEd - Happy Birthday to me (female pose)

Wearing eBody Reborn + Juicy Boobs


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