~Year of the Rabbit

푸른 바다 보다 더 푸른 바다 같은
별이 빛나는 밤 별이 빛나는 밤
지금 이 노래 보다 더 노래 같은 우리
지금 이 순간 보다 더 순간 같은 우리들
Ocean, night, star, song, moment
Ocean, starlight, moment, now, us
이제 알 것 같아 다 알 필요 없단 걸
이미 알고 있어 여기 있는 우리
이 세상의 끝들도 이젠 들을 수 있어
당신의 예술을요 이젠 들을 수있나요
World, fearless, pleasure, edge, listen
World, freedom, listen, now, us

(More like a blue sea than a blue sea
Starry Night Starry Night
It's more like a song than this one right now.
Those of us who are more like a moment than this moment
Ocean, night, star, song, moment
Ocean, starlight, moment, now, us
I think I know now, I don't need to know everything.
We already know that we are here
I can hear the ends of this world now
Can I Hear Your Art Now?
World, fearless, pleasure, edge, listen
World, freedom, listen, now, us)

Happy New Year from me and Riri! It's the year of the Rabbit!♥ I wonder what new exciting things await us this year? (Don't we look hella cute in these kimonos omg I need more in my life!)

Backdrop: Synnergy// Celebrate Good Times [Dark] (moded the stairs invisible for the window shot)

Pose: [VO.Z] Little Hearts A & B

Wearing eBody Reborn


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