

She is not scared to die

Best things in life drive her to cry

Crucify then learn
Take so much away from inside you
Makes no sense, you know he can't guide you
He's your fucking shoulder to lean on, be strong

Sit and watch me burn
Take so much away from inside you
Makes no sense, you know he can't guide you
He's your fucking shoulder to lean on, be strong

She's taught to believe that it be okay
Look at your face, scarred in dismay
But times have changed and so have you
I think I'd rather crucify than learn

Some pretty new makeup is being release on Thursday! I'm feeling my 90s grunge with the styling I did here with them. :P 

Mainstore and Marketplace release will be on Thursday, Feb 16th!

Wearing (Sponsored):

[HEXUMBRA] Bridget Eye Makeup - Rose

[HEXUMBRA] Face Glitter (Free in world)

[HEXUMBRA] Love Hurts - Gift (Right Cheek) (available in world, free)

Wearing (Unsponsored): 

.spaceberry. cutie freckles - stars - 75% (tint me!)

Izzie's - LeL Evo X - Aged Scar R Cheek (light skintones)

persephone + doll body blush - face

Blush Aura Beauty - Boo Blush - Blush Simple - Evo X

:: ANTAYA :: Body blush "Sasha"

persephone + doll body blush - 50%


Fewness - Triple Force Septum

^^Swallow^^ Gauged S Ears (f) ERIN-FLEUR-IRINA-LILLY-NOVA

.ashes. SGE S - nu witch set

A*S SALEM_^^Swallow^^/ ANDORE_Gift 2022 shop & hop



 *MUKA* Collar Love

Morass. Fishnet Top [add me]

 Fake Society x Brandi Jacket / Purple

Axolotl Juicy top

Gaia - liza denim jeans//dark

Backdrop: .PALETO. Backdrop:. Side Street

Pose: [..::CuCa::..] Fck Off Bento Pose (GIFT) 


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